3 Reasons why you are my Best Friend.


Friendship is hard. I mean, all relationships are difficult and take effort, but friendship is really hard. So when you find someone who encourages you, inspires you, and let's you know when you've got lettuce in your teeth you need to hang on to that person!

Dear Best Friend - here are 3 reasons why I think you're really great!

3) You bring our my goofy side. 
Most of the time I have a really hard time not being really quiet. Left to my own devices I would probably sit at home all day by myself and never interact with anyone - which isn't what I want but I would also be okay doing it. That's why I need you to encourage me to step outside of my comfort zone sometimes but also understand that I need introvert time by myself with my cat. 

2) You know how to cheer me up when I'm sad. 
Whether it's remembering an old inside joke, telling me a funny story, or watching one of my favourite movies with me - you always know how to cheer me up when I'm sad and I really, really appreciate that.

1) You've seen the ugly parts of me and you still love me.
This is the biggest one for me and probably the only one that needs to be on this list because it's the reason I need a best friend the most. I need someone who doesn't look at me and see what I see - I need someone who is able to see through all of that and remind me again and again that I'm not seeing the whole picture. You do that and it means the world to me.

So thank you. Thank you for sticking with me, for having my back, and for loving me. 
