I'm Over Millennials.
“I’m so over millennials”.
A friend of mine gave me a strange look as these words left my lips. We had just heard someone state how millennials are the future of the church and without hesitations I said it - “I’m so over millennials.” Now, I’ll admit that this sounds pretty harsh and I have definitely not forgotten that I am one of those millennials that I am so ‘over’. I do love my generation and I have great hopes and dreams for them, however, I think society places too much focus on millennials and we are in danger of missing the generations currently on the rise.
Recently I’ve had a couple of conversations with people who didn’t even realize that there have been two generations born since Gen Y (or the millennial generation). It’s true - Gen Z and Gen Alpha are both here already and as exciting as that is, the truth is that most people are pretty unaware of these generations. The word ‘millennial’ has become a sort of catch all for those born after 1984 but it seems to just go on and on. I think for the most part people are pretty clear on when the millennial generation starts but when it comes to the cut off for this generation, it seems that the lines are pretty blurred. Even as I took to Google to find a definitive answer, it seemed like nobody could decide on when the millennial generation ends. However, I think that most people agree it happened somewhere around 1994/1995. Which is crazy to think about because it means that the youngest millennials are 24!
Since it is clear that millennials are no longer the new kids on the block I think it’s time that we ask ourselves the question - who are these new generations and how do we reach them most effectively?
Gen Z and Gen Alpha kids are born being (or at least feeling) ‘internet famous’. Since before they were born they have had their pictures posted on social media. Pictures of baby bumps and vlogs talking about morning sickness make way to gender reveal videos and birthing photoshoots. It’s no surprise that these kids view the internet as a safe place and are extremely disconnected from those around them - their life existed online before they had even started entered into it.
Gen Z and Gen Alpha are children of the great ‘screenage’ and have never known a world without the internet. These generations are also the first to have parents who are well versed in technology. In fact, most parents of Gen Z and Gen Alpha have spent more than half of their lives with access to the internet or cell phones. This means that Gen Z and Gen Alpha are being raised largely by iPads and video games and their attention spans are suffering for it.
So - what do these kids need from their church?
1) These kids need to feel loved and connected. As they learn and grown in a world where social media is readily at their finger tips they need to know that they belong and are valued by their leaders and teachers. Greeting children by name, running ice breakers, games and discussion times can all help to build and develop relationships.
2) Gen Z and Gen Alpha will need teaching that engage them and hold their attention. If something is interesting to them they will watch it again and again and again so repetition is key along with excitement to help kids grasp Biblical truth.
3) These generations need online content that is engaging and relevant. 100% of kids are using at least one social media platform by the time they are between 5 and 12. We need to reach kids where they are at. Start aYouTube channel. Have a Facebook and Instagram page for your ministry. Post online games and activities that teach God's Word to kids. One important note - many social media sites have a minimum age level. For example, the age for Facebook is supposed to be 13. This doesn't stop kids most from joining anyways. But I believe it is wise to push your content to parents who in return can share with their kids.
Alright, your turn. What are your thoughts about Gen Z and Gen Alpha? How can we reach them? How can we disciple them? Share your thoughts, ideas, and insights in the comment section below!