2017 in Review

As I look back and reflect on 2017 I am filled with so much gratitude for it and all of the things that God taught me over the course of this last year. While there were definitely many hard things like huge changes at work, lots of studying and schoolwork, or moving back in with my parents, I have so many happy memories to think back on. In 2017 I passed my licensing  interview and became a pastor, took the first course of my Master's program, my brother flew to Seattle and got engaged to the most wonderful woman in the world, the list could go on and on. 

Along with many fun memories I also feel like I actually made some progress and accomplished some of the goals I had set at the beginning of the year!

+ Brunch more regularly
I did have brunch way more regularly than any year previously so I would say that this was a success! I now brunch at least 2 times a month and I also eat breakfast more regularly so let's hope this habit continues throughout this year.

+ Say what's on my mind
Hardcore fail. Speaking up and saying what's on my mind has always been very difficult for me but I have seen some growth in this area so I'm going to try to grow more in this area again this year.

+ Wake up earlier
Oh boy, oh boy - I can't even express to you how much of a fail this one was. I'm not sure why waking up is so difficult for me. I feel like I've got my "I slept in 15 minute morning routine" down to an art so this year I'd like to keep this goal and try to improve on it.

+ Adventure more often
I adventured so much more this year! I even ended up almost eaten by wolves or killed and dragged off by cross country skiers on one such adventure so I am definitely marking this one as a success! (If you haven't heart the wolf story ask me about it sometime - it is too good to miss out on!)

+ Be thankful everyday
I'd say I grew in this area a lot but it's definitely an area that I hope I never stop reaching for.

+ Read more
I feel like I hardly read anything in 2017 but I'm including reading in my 2018 self care plan so hopefully I can get some reading done this year!

+ Find more ways to express myself creatively
I did way more with my photography this year which is super exciting! I also got back into my piano which makes my heart so happy! It is crazy that you can not realize how much you miss something until you start at it again. 

+ Travel
I think the only traveling I did this year was to Minneapolis, Banff, and Saskatoon so I'm going to rework this goal for 2018 and hopefully it will be easier to measure.

+ Not be so afraid to love whole heartedly
+ Be more authentic
I feel like these two go hand in hand and In 2017 I feel like I avoided both of these goals because they seem so big and very overwhelming. However, in 2018 God has already been teaching me a lot about love and not being so afraid of it so I'm looking forward to growing more this year.

It's weird to think that 2017 is already gone and another year is upon us but I cannot wait for all that God has in store this year!

What are some of your favourite memories from 2017?