Tide Pools;
I feel like a tide pool - things are always changing; always new. Never the same.
I used to think I was someone who thrived on change. I would seek it out and search for it every chance that I got.
Since I graduated I feel like I have been in a constant state of flux. I went for a year of school in Edmonton, then I went to Saskatchewan. Each of my 4 years of Bible school were with a different class. I did an internship in Lethbridge and then I moved to Fort Saskatchewan. I was the youth assistant for a year before becoming the youth pastor. I was the youth pastor for another year before becoming the youth and children’s pastor. I lived in Fort Saskatchewan for a year and then moved back home.
Finally things started to settle and stabilize for just long enough realize that what my heart actually longed for was stability. What I had been searching for was somewhere to put down roots. To live in community. And then just as quickly, transition struck again. I lived through two years of constant change at work. I never knew what was coming and I felt as if I was continually in transit.
Now I find myself in transition again. I have a new job. I’m making new friends. I’m moving to Edmonton. Nothing seems the same and I feel so scared and so unsettled.
My heart longs for peace. I long to feel stable. But I know that in the midst of change I can cling to Christ who is never changing. He is my stability and my solid ground when the world seems like it is forever spinning.